You’ve been given a bottle of wine as a gift but you don’t have any plans of drinking it soon. Is it possible to prolong the life of your wine without sacrificing its taste?

There are ways to store your wine properly so you can still preserve its original flavor even as time passes by. I’ve been drinking wine for years and I guess it’s safe to say that I’ve learned a few things about how to do this right.

With these simple storage tips, you can keep your wines as fine as it was when you first received it.   

1. Keep in a cool, dry place

The first lesson you have to learn about wine storage is this – heat is your enemy!

Ideally, wine should be stored in a place where the temperature is at least 45°F to 65°F. Anything higher than that (let’s say 70° F) can directly affect the wine’s taste and aroma so you really have to be careful with that.

Be warned, however, not to stock your wine in a colder place. While it is generally okay to put it in the refrigerator for a month or two, this is definitely not a good idea if you are thinking of long term storage. Doing this can dry out the cork which could permit air to enter the bottle and destroy the taste. Also, never freeze your wine! This could cause the cork to push out without warning.   

2. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight

Ever noticed why most wine products have colored bottles? Manufacturers explain that the purpose of this is to filter ultraviolet rays from the sun. Besides, continued exposure to UV rays can cause premature wine aging.   

3. Place it horizontally

If you have visited wine shops and stores in the past, you have probably noticed that most wine bottles are stored sideways. The explanation for this is that this helps the cork avoid drying out.

Another obvious benefit of this storage style is that you can save a lot of space. So as you place your Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and everything else, keep everything sideways and you will be able to store more bottles than you can expect.

These tips can be a big help for you whether you are a casual wine buyer or a certified wine collector. To learn more about correct wine storage, click this link and get more information.

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